这张信息图详细介绍了成为澳门新普京注册的战略规划过程. 多于1,澳门新普京注册社区的300名成员-学生, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 社区领袖, 董事会, 和其他外部利益相关者在大学未来的战略规划中发挥了积极的作用.

整个过程从开始到结束持续了大约180天. 5 announcement by President Kelly; the first external stakeholder session on Aug. 8; a virtual event on Aug. 11; the first internal stakeholder session on Sept. 14; the final internal stakeholder session on Oct. 30; feedback given to the Executive Administrative Council on Nov 4; prioritization meetings on Nov. 9 and 12; review of the draft strategic plan on Dec. 16; and the release coming in February 2021.

总的来说, 多于1,300名利益相关者参加了广泛分布的调查和发现会议,总共持续了290个小时.